♥Forever Young♥

Oh idaman ku.....~
Friday, 3 August 2012 ? 1 Tomodachii ?

Beruban sudah laa blog neh taok, lama ndak kena update :P hahaha. tapii sokay. ermm neh got new story darr. macam yg bulan2 lalu nyaa, sya kepingin sangatt laa mao try pakai hapek mahal neh *mahal laa sangatt*.
Henpon idaman, iaitu iPhone. hehe. haritoe babah belii pon xlaa mahal sgt, rm730 jerr. And maka dengan etoe, dapat laa sii enna merasa pakaii iPhone.. But now mcam org laen, saya pon teringin gak upgrade >.< bukan x pandai bersyukur, tapii nama pon nafsu manusia,kan? hehehe. Ermm saya actually dah ada binatang idaman :D binatang apa? neh tgk di bawah :

YES! Tablet phone. Neh laa yg sya teringin tul rasa mao pakaii, tapii neh la, manusia yg xmampu tapii ada hatii mao merasa pakaii barang mahal :( hurmm. actually sya tengah jual gak hp iPhone sya toe. Lil sys kwn me yg mao. me jual sangat laa murah ==" RM500 ony diz. Sedangkan me survey harga dekat mudah.my, bukan maen mahal lae yg 2nd set dorg jual, baru 8Gb suda laa rm600+. Puii baruu 8GB. me punya 16Gb pon rm500 sedja, still got warranthy lae ==" *membanding laa snagatt*
Hahaha aik macam org tia puas hatii sedja neh lol. erm nvm, so neh laa hp yg me idam now. tatao laa harap before raya neh dapat laa. hurmm nak tambah bajet dgn beliao, menyusahkan dorg la pulaaa. neh tpaksa ikat perut dgn duit belanja bulanan laa nampaknya >.< *maklum laa org belum pernah bekerja neh* HUHU. tapii papapon, insyaalah sya akan dapat gak. maybe? hehe :P

Hariitoe ada gak laas urvey harha dekat MegaLong, Dongs. Tekejut beruk laa nampak harga rm500+ gitoe! excited neh kenennya! Sekalii bf me cakap, terus laa patah hati nurani ku apabila dea mengatakan bahawa yg harga nya sebegitoe adalah buatan china ==" Memang under Android, but zzz kalao dengar nama barang  buatan china neh....erm....ntah laa. memg kamo pon akan rasa camtoe,kan?! Grrr.~ not me only dahhh :P hehehe. nehow, i think china2 pon, okay gak  ba tat kan? *hahaha terdesak sua mao pakI Tablet*. Lae pon org susah mana bleh memilih huhu. tapii msalahnya lagii, kalao rosak, teda pat leh repair >.< hurmmm. berfikir laa kao neh enna.~ zzz.

Thanks for reading :)

Older Post

Hey there! I'm EnnaChabey Shahzriennah .
Known as 'EnnaChabey' here .
I'm NOT single. In other word, I'm TAKEN by him ⇨ Mr.R.Jin .
Not new, I used to have many accounts before . I'm random, sometimes .
I love my friends and family . They mean the world to life, and I will enjoy every second of it.
I'm not an out-going person, and pretty easy to have new friends .
I have a strong personality, it might take you years to bring me down .
I love to help people, and I'm a good listener, so if you ever needed to talk, I'm always but please, NO DRAMA!
I always be myself, and I won't change for anyone, love me, hate me! Boohoo, I couldn't careless!
I'll treat you the way you treat me . Easy , right ?
I've been through alot with people, and it has made me stronger .
I don't smoke now , and will never drink alcohol . It's suck . Atleast for what I thought .
Why would they drink that and get drunk ? What was the main purpose ?
To have fun ?? What's the use of playground . LOL jk .
Whatever floats your boat ♥
You might think I'm a conceited and proud person but NO it's cause you don't know me, so don't judge .
Try to be mean and I will give you my sweetest smile ever!
I can be one of your best girlfriend , only IF you treated me right .
I LOVE-DAMN-HELL-MUCH with cute stuff .
I have people whom inspired me and I adored ♥ They are :
★ Avril Lavigne
★ Orianthi
★ AmberOnFire
★ Hannah Beth
★ Audrey Kitching
★ Zee Avi
★ SHINee
★ Beast
★ Infinite
★ BigBang (DaeSung Oppa)

I'm the nicest person if you know me better , no joke .
But don't pretend it , cause you'll regret it later .
Hate me nor Love me , Im still gonna shine FYI .

If you're a hater first off all:
♥ Thanks, you make me hella famous .

♪Forever Young - One Direction♪