♥Forever Young♥

. Sayangg Awak! ★
Monday, 19 December 2011 ? 0 Tomodachii ?

So happy today ^^ Ingatkan harii neh mao teruskan dengan lakonan merajuk me :P
Tapi tak jadii laa. Haha. Napa me merajuk? Ermm cause my dear jarang dapat SMS me :(
Dea sibuk sejak balik sabah.. Tapii me tak cakap dengan dea ^^ HAHA!
Me acting laa konon-konon me down and banyak laa ..HEHE.
Zzzz.~ Then dea pujuk dengan cara.....................Hantar DCB kat tmpat me =.="
Me neh pantang kalao dengan makanan >.< Lagii-lagii kalao favee me!
OMG.~ Tak dii sangka-sangka . Haha!

Dea cakap tak boleh sua mao majuk lama-lama =.=' Kalao mao majuk pon setengah harii seja.
Dush! Ada ka mcam toe? HAHA! ^^
But semalam toe memang me majuk tahap gaban sua ow sama dear me :(
Me tao la dear busy buh, tapii me need your attention gakk!!!!!! xD *aiseh tambir* HEHE..
But papa pon, Tetap sayang my chenta baa. Takkan lepaskan dear!NEVER!
Melainkan........................... yea etoe la ^^

Hanya kamii berdua ceja yang tao :P

Nway, harii sabtu neh ada wedding dekat Putatan. Tatao rumah sepa laa kamii ambush xD
Tapii dorang makcik yang kenal. Kamii neh tao datang, makan then balik laa :P
HOHO. Seriously, bukan me seja yang begitoe, kan kamoe? HEHE ^^
So harap-harap ada menu favee me laa. Ohya! Cakap sal wedd melayu neh, kalao makanan tym wedd toe, ada satu neh memang FAVEEtahap gaban me laa. Urm kalao kat sabah neh panggil sayur toe, sayur rebung. Tatao la kat tempat laen dorang panggil apa nama. :P

Sayur toe memang Favee me kalao orang kawen orang melayu cney.
But ONLY kalao dorang masak kunyit ^^ Like masak kering gitoe.
Tapii kalao masak laen, ermm...tgk gak la ^^ HEHE. Swear sedap gilaa. :D

Yang harii toe, kamie ada gak pii wedd dii Likas. My uncle ^^
Tak lah kenal sangat, tapii abah cakap my uncle, bukan orang laen gak :PHEHE.
Memang sedapp-sedapp la msakan cana :)
Dorang tak masak sendirii. Tapii dorang got their own restaurant laa ^^
So, tak payah mao cakap laa soal rasa-rasa neh :)
So harap-harap makanan yang dekat Putatan neh nantii sedap laa gak :P

p/s : Me bukan lah kuat makan, tapii kalao soal makan, tak payah mao diet-diet! :P HUAHUA! 

Thanks for reading :)

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Hey there! I'm EnnaChabey Shahzriennah .
Known as 'EnnaChabey' here .
I'm NOT single. In other word, I'm TAKEN by him ⇨ Mr.R.Jin .
Not new, I used to have many accounts before . I'm random, sometimes .
I love my friends and family . They mean the world to life, and I will enjoy every second of it.
I'm not an out-going person, and pretty easy to have new friends .
I have a strong personality, it might take you years to bring me down .
I love to help people, and I'm a good listener, so if you ever needed to talk, I'm always but please, NO DRAMA!
I always be myself, and I won't change for anyone, love me, hate me! Boohoo, I couldn't careless!
I'll treat you the way you treat me . Easy , right ?
I've been through alot with people, and it has made me stronger .
I don't smoke now , and will never drink alcohol . It's suck . Atleast for what I thought .
Why would they drink that and get drunk ? What was the main purpose ?
To have fun ?? What's the use of playground . LOL jk .
Whatever floats your boat ♥
You might think I'm a conceited and proud person but NO it's cause you don't know me, so don't judge .
Try to be mean and I will give you my sweetest smile ever!
I can be one of your best girlfriend , only IF you treated me right .
I LOVE-DAMN-HELL-MUCH with cute stuff .
I have people whom inspired me and I adored ♥ They are :
★ Avril Lavigne
★ Orianthi
★ AmberOnFire
★ Hannah Beth
★ Audrey Kitching
★ Zee Avi
★ SHINee
★ Beast
★ Infinite
★ BigBang (DaeSung Oppa)

I'm the nicest person if you know me better , no joke .
But don't pretend it , cause you'll regret it later .
Hate me nor Love me , Im still gonna shine FYI .

If you're a hater first off all:
♥ Thanks, you make me hella famous .

♪Forever Young - One Direction♪